Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mittens in May

This week, just when we thought spring was finally upon us, the sun left town and the temperatures dropped like a rock. Even in the face of heavy winds and rain, Jack was undaunted. He managed hours of play at the Coolidge Corner park in nearby Brookline, braving slippery equipment and knee-deep puddles, happy as a pig in mud. And when, by the end of the week, our umbrella finally succumbed to the elements and left us soaked over several city blocks and with no stroller canopy to cover him, Jack yelled out an observant "Brrr!" and kept smiling the whole way home. We'll all be smiling when the weather warms up! Wish us luck as we bear up against the last vestiges of the long New England winter. Brrr!


Jules said...

Ahh, Jami. It has been so long since I read your writing in AP English. I'm looking forward to reading your beautiful words and seeing your cute family.

AshKash said...

It's little J! I love you guys and miss you so much. I hope it gets warmer soon.

Jon said...

Little J is the best! We love him so.